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Wave Focus Styles

Focus Styles accurately measures motives, talents, preferred culture and competency potential in one dynamic 13 minute online questionnaire.

The Wave Focus Styles is a personality questionnaire is used in selection, development, talent management, succession planning, leadership programs, coaching and career planning. It’s shorter completion time is perfect for high volume recruitment.

Three Deep Dives unique to Wave give remarkable insights into:

  • Explore the unusualness of individuals (Facet Ranges)
  • Compare motives and talents (Motive-Talent Splits)
  • Control for distortion and response-faking (Normative-Ipsative Splits)

The Focus Styles Expert Report is a short comprehensive report that outlines an individuals response to the questionnaire. It features a wealth of information from Response Style, Competency Potential to Predicted Culture Environment Fit.

Line Manager and Personal Reports are available complimentary with an Expert Report, which can be used supplementary, and do not require accreditation.


Shorter questionnaire completion time still provides 80% of the validity of Wave Professional Styles.
The Expert Report can be used across all areas of the talent cycle, from identification, development and leadership.
Deep dives into motive, talent provide more valuable information into an individual to ensure the right person-job match.
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Self-Service or Managed Service

Completion Time

13 minutes - Wave Focus Styles

Accreditation Required