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Home > Our Products > Personality & Behavioural Questionnaires > Wave® Styles Personality Questionnaires > Leadership Impact Expert Selection Report

Leadership Impact Expert Selection Report

Reduce the risks associated with high-stakes selection and increase the odds of placing the right leaders into the right roles.

Generated from the Wave Professional Styles personality questionnaire, the Leadership Impact Expert Selection Report is used for:

  • Leadership Selection
  • Succession Planning
  • Leadership Development Programs

A Page from the Leadership Impact Selection Report Interview Guide on an iPad

The Leadership Impact Expert Selection Report provides an overview of an individual’s Situational Leadership Style and potential across 9 key Leadership Impact areas. The report then outlines a series of 9 dynamic interview questions enabling further probing into the potential of the individual, with more targeted probes where scores indicate a potential challenge area.


The Impact model bridges the gap between specific behaviours and organisational level outcomes.
Combines detailed insight of a leaders potential across 9 key impact areas with 9 interview questions focused on delivering impact.
Provides a cost-effective, streamlined, one-stop-solution for making key appointments.
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Self-Service or Managed Service

Completion Time

40 minutes

Accreditation Required