Saville Assessment Aptitude Tests
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Swift Global Aptitude

Swift Global is a mobile-first, interactive broad measure of the cognitive ability that underpins the capacity to flexibly solve problems and apply learning in new environments at work.

This 12-minute combination test efficiently assesses an individual’s ability to think abstractly, reason quickly and problem solve measuring 3 key areas:

  • Recall: the aptitude for correctly memorizing figures and their position in a grid of cards.
  • Numbers: the aptitude for identifying patterns in a series of numbers.
  • Abstract: the aptitude for identifying patterns in a series of shapes and symbols.

Swift Global was designed for completion on a mobile device, uses minimised language content and is highly-visual making it suitable for global assessment projects.

Its global reach for a wide-range of roles is reflected in its selection of international norm groups for benchmarking including Graduates, Professionals and Managers.

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Self-Service or Managed Service

Completion Time

12 minutes

Accreditation Required