A series of three single supervised tests of spatial, mechanical and diagrammatic reasoning. Each aptitude test is shorter than the industry standard whilst maintaining robust reliability and validity.
Target Group: Technical Apprentices, Production, Construction, Engineering & Scientific Staff
Spatial Reasoning
Assesses the ability to recognise shapes. Each item in the test contains four objects where three of the objects are identical while one object is different in shape. The task is to identify the object that is different.
Mechanical Reasoning
This test assesses mechanical understanding through items that present a problem with a number of possible answers. The task is to identify the correct answer to each problem.
Diagrammatic Reasoning
This test assesses the ability to evaluate processes represented through diagrams. The assessment contains panels and illustrations that define logical processes followed by questions which need to be answered using the diagrams presented. Please note that Diagrammatic Reasoning is a less difficult alternative to the assessments involving Diagrammatic Analysis, which additionally feature the ‘Finding Faults’ and ‘Comparing Flowchart Sequences’ item types.
Self-Service or Managed Service
Completion Time
8 minutes - Spatial, 12 minutes - Mechanical
16 minutes - Diagrammatic