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Our Graduate Solutions

Looking for the best graduates? We can help you.

We understand that there’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to graduate recruitment, and each organisation has its own unique requirements.

By understanding and analysing each graduate role (and how they vary), we can define success and deliver higher calibre applicants that meet, and even exceed, the criteria. Screening these applicants at the beginning of the process can ensure that candidates with the right traits are identified early on, saving valuable time and effort.

Personality is complex. The Wave Framework measures 36 facets of personality, how does your assessment measure up?

Here at Saville we don’t just supply assessments. We partner with our clients to provide an end to end solution that facilitates the selection of a diverse and high performing graduate cohort. We analyse the complex to make it simple for our clients.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can find your ideal graduate, come visit us at the AAGE or send us a message.

In the meantime, request your copy of our “Essential Graduate Solutions Handbook” for articles, tips and advice on attracting, recruiting, onboarding and retaining graduate talent.