We’re excited for the upcoming 2018 AAGE Graduate Recruitment and Development Conference!
Being held this year in the Melbourne Crown Conference Centre on the 31st October – 2nd November, the event is sure to be a success.
This year’s theme is “Pearls of Wisdom – Reflecting on the past for a changing future“. That’s why in our session “Let’s Workshop Diversity”, we will reflect on our combined past experiences and expertise to help attendees prepare and prioritise for a changing future.
In this exploratory session, facilitated by two work psychologists with a background in equal employment and diversity, we join forces with attendees to identify the issues holding back progress on diversity and productivity. Using interactive technology, we will identify blockages, review the science, improve understanding and arrive at workable solutions. What are we doing right? What are we doing wrong? Most importantly, what are we trying to achieve and why? We will raise questions about data and privacy, quotas, fair and unfair biases, and attempt to dispel some of the myths surrounding diversity by exploring what the evidence has to say.
We believe that the solutions lie within. As practitioners, we need to lead the way within our organisations and feel empowered to make the changes that are required. The solution we produce together will be an enduring contribution of this conference.
We’re looking forward to seeing both new and familiar faces at the conference and hope you can join us for what is set to be a fantastic three days.
If you haven’t already, be sure to book your tickets soon!